2016 Teradata全球用户大会是业界首屈一指、以客户为主导的全球数据大会。大会历时5天,将汇集来自49个国家和地区、6千多名最资深的数据和分析专家以及商业领导者。他们来自各个行业的顶尖品牌,共同探讨、分享和发掘如何从数据中获取更多的价值。
2016 Teradata全球用户大会于2016年9月12日在美国召开,大会主题为“数据改变万物”,CEO坦诚,曾错过重要客户...... 继续阅读>>>
上周五CNN Money的一则新闻可以说是引爆金融界:美国富国银行(Wells Fargo)被美国消费者金融保护局(CFPB)罚款1.85亿美元,这是该局自2011年成立以来开出的最大一笔罚单。 继续阅读>>>
互联网的兴起,数字化的普及,给传统媒体行业带了巨大的冲击和挑战。但有着百年经营历史的Meredith Corp却依然在大数据时代风生水起…… 继续阅读>>>
Teradata新任CEO Victor Lund在2016 Teradata全球用户大会上宣布,公司将进行策略调整,从技术转向业务。这些信息的传达对Teradata自身的发展意味着什么? 继续阅读>>>
上周在美国亚特兰大召开的2016 Teradata全球用户大会上,TechTarget记者幸会Bill Franks。他分享了对当前分析趋势的看法。继续阅读>>>
如果上周你在2016 Teradata全球用户大会现场,假如看到一位穿着夏威夷风格、色彩鲜艳的花衬衫老美神清气爽地走过,他十有八九就是Teradata的CTO宝立明(Stephen Brobst)。继续阅读>>>
Katie Linendoll is a tech expert and media personality. She is best known for her role as a tech contributor on the TODAY Show, but every week you’ll find her contributing to numerous outlets as she explores the latest tech stories across the world. A digital native, she loves having a career that keeps her at the forefront of science and technology.
David Eagleman is a neuroscientist and a New York Times best-selling author. He directs the Laboratory for Perception and Action at the Baylor College of Medicine, and also heads the Center for Science and Law. He is best known for his work on sensory substitution, time perception, brain plasticity, synesthesia, and neurolaw. David will make you rethink how data (and technology) can change everything.
Jeremy Gutsche is "an intellectual can of Red Bull" (Association Week), award-winning author and management consultant to brands, billionaires and CEOs. Gutsche is the brains behind Trendhunter.com: the #1 trend-spotting site in the world. With contagious enthusiasm, Gutsche shows audiences how to use methodical innovation to generate ideas and kick-start creativity during times of change.